Changes to Import Logistics Taxation in Brazil: Understanding Tax Regulations Under DDU Channel

15/04/2024 Langzhi

Recently, Brazil has adjusted its regulations regarding import logistics taxation, particularly concerning the usage of the DDU (Delivery Duty Unpaid) channel. According to the new regulations, recipients of imported goods may need to pay varying import duties and turnover taxes based on the value of the goods. Understanding these changes is crucial for importers and consumers alike.

According to the latest regulations on import logistics taxation in Brazil, recipients using the DDU (Delivery Duty Unpaid) channel for imported goods should take note of the following:


Goods Priced Below $50:


If the value of the goods is below $50, recipients may be required to pay a 60% import duty and turnover tax. Although these taxes are not currently mandatory, some orders may require payment.

Declared Value Between $50 and $1000:


For goods with a declared value ranging from $50 to $1000, it is anticipated that recipients will need to pay a 60% import duty along with ICMS (turnover tax). The ICMS tax rate varies depending on the state, ranging approximately from 17% to 28%.

These changes may impact importers and consumers, thus it is advisable for them to thoroughly understand the new tax regulations before importing goods to avoid unnecessary costs and delays. Additionally, it should be noted that tax specifics may vary by state, so it is important to familiarize oneself with local regulations and requirements when conducting import operations.


These adjustments aim to ensure transparency and fairness in the import logistics process while fostering the development of Brazil's domestic market. For any inquiries or consultations related to imports, it is recommended to contact local customs or logistics service providers for the latest information and guidance.


By understanding and complying with the new import logistics tax regulations, importers and consumers can ensure smooth international trade and mitigate potential tax disputes and delays.

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